This module holds all configuration parameters for Rex.With this module you can specify own configuration parameters for your modules.
register_set_handler($handler_name, $code)
Register a handler that gets called by set.
Rex::Config->register_set_handler("foo", sub { my ($value) = @_; print "The user set foo -> $value\n"; });
And now you can use this handler in your Rexfile like this:
set foo => "bar";
register_config_handler($topic, $code)
With this function it is possible to register own sections in the users config file ($HOME/.rex/config.yml).Example:
Rex::Config->register_config_handler("foo", sub { my ($param) = @_; print "bar is: " . $param->{bar} . "\n"; });
And now the user can set this in his configuration file:
base: user: theuser password: thepassw0rd foo: bar: baz