RG::Reprof::Reprof(3) protein secondary structure and accessibility predictor


use RG::Reprof::Reprof;


See module commented source for further details.


OBJ RG::Reprof::Reprof->new( model_dir => PATH )
Default model_dir: /tmp/lkajan/root/share/reprof.

Returns new instance of RG::Reprof::Reprof.

int $OBJ->run( input_file => PATH, out_file => PATH, mutation_file => PATH, specific_models => hashref, output_func => coderef )
out_file may be a directory.
mutation_file may be undefined.
specific_models may be undefined.
This is a hash of model and feature files with 'model_name' keys like:

   'fub_model' => '/path/to/model_file',
   'fub_features' => '/path/to/features_file'

Check the module source for the list for model names.

void output_func( out_file, sec_pred, acc_pred, sequence ) - function to call when output is ready.
If undefined, the built-in write_output() function is called that prints results to one or more files. The following positional parameters are passed to this function:
Output file name.
Secondary structure prediction, see source for details.
Accessibility prediction, see source for details.
Reference to array of residues of input sequence (e.g. [ 'M', 'A', 'G', ... ] ).


Original version by Peter Hoenigschmid <[email protected]> and Burkhard Rost.

Some perl module work and documentation by Laszlo Kajan <[email protected]>.