#include <roaraudio.h>
int roar_vs_ctl (roar_vs_t * vss, roar_vs_ctlcmd cmd, void * argp, int * error);
This function is used to access internals of the VS object. It is generally to be avoided to use this function. Valid commands depend on library version. Commands are defined in a way suitable for #ifdef checking.
- vss
The VS object to be altered.
- cmd
Specifies the command to use on object.
- argp
A pointer to the operant for the given command. Type depends on command. Must be NULL for commads
not taking any argument.
- error
This is a pointer to a integer used to store the error value in case of error.
This can be NULL if not used but it is very recommended to use this error value to report
good error messages to the user.
On success these calls return 0. On error, -1 is returned.