Router::Simple::SubMapper(3) submapper


use Router::Simple;
my $router = Router::Simple->new();
my $s = $router->submapper('/entry/{id}', {controller => 'Entry'});
$s->connect('/edit' => {action => 'edit'})
->connect('/show' => {action => 'show'});


Router::Simple::SubMapper is sub-mapper for Router::Simple. This class provides shorthand to create routes, that have common parts.


my $submapper = $router->submapper(%args);
Do not call this method directly.You should create new instance from $router->submapper(%args).
This method creates new route to parent $router with @args and arguments of ->submapper().

This method returns $submapper itself for method-chain.

submapper() can be called recursively to build nested routes.

This method returns $submapper itself for method-chain.