- /etc/shorewall/routestopped
Changes to this file do not take effect until after the next shorewall start or shorewall restart command.
The columns in the file are as follows.
INTERFACE - interface
- Interface through which host(s) communicate with the firewall
HOST(S) (Optional) - [-|address[,address]...]
Comma-separated list of IP/subnet addresses. If your kernel and iptables include iprange match support, IP address ranges are also allowed.
If left empty or supplied as "-", is assumed.
OPTIONS (Optional) - [-|option[,option]...]
A comma-separated list of options. The order of the options is not important but the list can contain no embedded whitespace. The currently-supported options are:
- Set up a rule to ACCEPT traffic from these hosts back to themselves. Beginning with Shorewall 4.4.9, this option is automatically set if routeback is specified in m[blue]shorewall-interfacesm[][1] (5) or if the rules compiler detects that the interface is a bridge.
- Allow traffic from these hosts to ANY destination. Without this option or the dest option, only traffic from this host to other listed hosts (and the firewall) is allowed. If source is specified then routeback is redundant.
- Allow traffic to these hosts from ANY source. Without this option or the source option, only traffic from this host to other listed hosts (and the firewall) is allowed. If dest is specified then routeback is redundant.
- The traffic will be exempted from conntection tracking.
PROTO (Optional) - protocol-name-or-number
- Protocol.
DEST PORT(S) (Optional) - service-name/port-number-list
- A comma-separated list of port numbers and/or service names from /etc/services. May also include port ranges of the form low-port:high-port if your kernel and iptables include port range support.
SOURCE PORT(S) (Optional) - service-name/port-number-list
- A comma-separated list of port numbers and/or service names from /etc/services. May also include port ranges of the form low-port:high-port if your kernel and iptables include port range support.
The source and dest options work best when used in conjunction with ADMINISABSENTMINDED=Yes in m[blue]shorewall.confm[][2](5).
Example 1:
#INTERFACE HOST(S) OPTIONS PROTO DEST SOURCE # PORT(S) PORT(S) eth2 eth0 br0 - routeback eth3 - source eth4 - notrack 41
- 1.
- shorewall-interfaces
- 2.