scanerrlog(1) program to summarize Apache error log files


scanerrlog [options] files...


This manual page documents the scanerrlog command. This manual page was written for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution because the original program does not have a manual page. Instead, it has documentation in the GNU Info format; see below.

scanerrlog is a program that allows people to parse Apache error_log files from different sources and present the information in decreasing frequency of messages.


These programs follow the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). A summary of options is included below.
-c, --continue
Use a cache (ScanErrLog.stats) in order to speed up subsequent processing of the same file.
WARNING: This option is incompatible with the parsing of multiple files.
-d, --date
Include the date at which the last message of each type occurred. Mutually exclusive with the --pattern option.
-e, --exclude LIST
Exclude messages with severities in LIST from the final report. LIST is a slash separated list of message severities.
-f, --format TYPE
Set the output format to TYPE, which is one of: html (default), pdf, text, xml
-h, --help
Show summary of options.
-l, --limit NUMBER
Only include messages which occur at least NUMBER times.
-n, --nocumulate
Don't accumulate counts across multiple file arguments. If -o is not used, then this option implies -w.
-o, --outputfile FILE
Save the report in FILE. If -n is used, then reports will be saved in FILE.N, where N is a number starting at 1 and incremented for each report.
-p, --pattern PATTERN
Select only lines which match PATTERN. The default pattern selects all Apache log messages, excluding others (e.g. CGI script errors). To work correctly, PATTERN should match all characters from the beginning of the line up to the beginning of the real error message. This option is mutually exclusive with --date.
-t, --title TITLE
Set the report title to TITLE.
-v, --version
Show version of program.
-w, --withoutheader
Suppress headers from HTML output. Useful if you want to include the output in another HTML document.


Jerome Alet <[email protected]>.

This manual page was written by JP Sugarbroad <[email protected]>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).