String Graph Assembler: de novo genome assembler that uses string graphs
,<command> /[,options/]
- preprocess
filter and quality-trim reads
- index
build the BWT and FM-index for a set of reads
- merge
merge multiple BWT/FM-index files into a single index
- bwt2fa
transform a bwt back into a set of sequences
- correct
correct sequencing errors in a set of reads
- fm-merge
merge unambiguously overlapped sequences using the FM-index
- overlap
compute overlaps between reads
- assemble
generate contigs from an assembly graph
- oview
view overlap alignments
- subgraph
extract a subgraph from a graph
- filter
remove reads from a data set
- rmdup
duplicate read removal
- gen-ssa
generate a sampled suffix array for the given set of reads
- scaffold
generate ordered sets of contigs using distance estimates
- scaffold2fasta
convert the output of the scaffold subprogram into a fasta file
- gapfill
fill intra-scaffold gaps
Variant Calling Commands:
- graph-diff
compare reads to find sequence variants
- graph-concordance
check called variants for representation in the assembly graph
- rewrite-evidence-bam
fill in sequence and quality information for a variant evidence BAM
- haplotype-filter
filter out low-quality haplotypes
- somatic-variant-filters
filter out low-quality variants
Experimental commands:
- preqc
perform pre-assembly quality checks on a set of reads
- stats
print summary statistics about a read set
- filterBAM
filter out contaminating mate-pair data in a BAM file
- cluster
find clusters of reads belonging to the same connected component in an assembly graph
- kmer-count
extract all kmers from a BWT file