sge_share_mon(1) print Grid Engine live share tree


sge_share_mon [-c count] [-d delimiter] [-f field,field...] [-h] [-i interval] [-l delimiter] [-m output_mode] [-n] [-o output_file] [-r delimiter] [-s string_format] [-t] [-u] [-x]


sge_share_mon prints the live state of the Grid Engine share tree (as opposed to graphical view). It does so for a given number (default infinite) of intervals.


-c count
Print count collections (default infinite)
-d delimiter
Delimit output columns with string delimiter (default a tab)
-f field,...
Print the given fields. The available fields in the default order are curr_time, usage_time, node_name, user_name, project_name, shares, job_count, level%, total%, long_target_share, short_target_share, actual_share, usage, cpu, mem, io, ltcpu, ltmem, ltio.
Print a header listing field names
-i interval
Collect over interval seconds (default 15)
-l delimiter
Delimit nodes output with string delimiter (default a carriage return)
-m output_mode
Open output_file in fopen(3) mode output_mode (default w). The meaningful alternative is a to append to the file.
Print in the form name=value
-o output_file
Print to file output_file (default standard output)
-r delimiter
Delimit collection records with string delimiter (default a carriage return)
-s string_format
printf(3)-style format for strings (default %s)
Show times formatted per ctime(3). (Default is seconds since the epoch.)
Print decayed usage (since timestamp) in nodes
Don't print non-leaf nodes.