sigit(1) A program to create random signatures, quite like fortune or sigrot.


These are the command-line options for sigit:
-f file <Explicit config file>
Should you be interrestet in executing sigit with a different configuration file, than the standard ~/.sigitrc or /etc/sigit.rc file, then use this flag to instruct sigit to read your configuration file. Uppon error, Sigit will not try to read any of the standard configuration files.
-c <cronjob>
The <cronjob> will be usefull if you decide to run the program as a normal cronjob. This will make sure, the program only creates one signature befor exiting.
-d <deamonise>
In order to run the program as a background <deamon> you will have to supply it with the "-d". this change is made, since I found that the most frequent usage might either be as a cron job, or running as a normal process, since you would like it to get killed, once you logout. Hint: "you dont need to change the signatures for your emails, when youre not loged in on the system, since very few people sends emails from their accounts while they're not loged in."
-h <help>
Print a nice help screen and exit.
-v <verbose>
Sometimes it's good to know how the program is running, and how far it's in the execution. Here comes <verbose> as a very good solution. It will keep all the very specific infos hidden, yet let you know just what part of the program is beeing used, and how it went.
-vv <very verbose>
The usage of <very verbose>, is mostly usefull, when you're trying to debug the thing, and you have no idear what caused it to abort. Throw in a couple more v's and see what sort of extra info is displayed :)
-V <version>
The -V will print the current version of the program, and exit.
-H option <Extra help>
Use the "-H" If you have found an option in the help screen, but dont seem that confident with using it, for a quick refference use this flag to get more describing info on how to use that option.