smstrade_send(1) smstrade_balance


usage: smstrade_send [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-s SECTION] [-k KEY] [-f SENDER]
[-r {basic,gold,direct}] [-d] [--cost] [-m] [--count] [--dlr] [--response] [--ref REFERENCE] [-l] [--charset {UTF-8,ISO-8859-1,ISO-8859-15}] [--senddate SENDDATE] [--messagetype {flash,unicode,binary,voice}] [--udh UDH] [--version] to [to ...] smstext

Send one or more SMS via the API

positional arguments:

receiver of the SMS
the text content of the SMS message to send

optional arguments:

-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
alternative configuration instead of the default configurationfiles: /etc/xdg/smstrade/smstrade.ini, ~/.config/smstrade/smstrade.ini, smstrade.ini
-s SECTION, --section SECTION
use the specified section in the configuration file
-k KEY, --key KEY
personal identification code
-f SENDER, --from SENDER
source identifier (ignored for route basic)
-r {basic,gold,direct}, --route {basic,gold,direct}
SMS route
-d, --debug
activate debug mode
enable output of sending costs
-m, --message-id
enable output of message ids
enable output of message count
enable delivery reports
enable receiving of reply SMS (only for route basic)
add an own reference for this message
-l, --concat
send as linked (longer) SMS
--charset {UTF-8,ISO-8859-1,ISO-8859-15}
character set of the message (defaults to current locale's charset) converted to UTF-8 if necessary
--senddate SENDDATE
send time delayed SMS at the given time (UNIX timestamp)
--messagetype {flash,unicode,binary,voice}
enable sending of flash, unicode, binary or voice messages
--udh UDH
hexadecimal representation of bytes for a binary message
show program's version number and exit