solver_option_type(2) options for direct or interative solvers


This class implements a set of options for direct or iterative solvers, as implemented by the solver(2). An instance of this class can be supplied to the solver constructor.


class solver_option_type {
  typedef std::size_t size_type;
  static const long int  decide = -1;    // indicate the solver will try to choose the best method
// data:
  mutable long int   iterative;          // indicate if we want to use iterative solver
  Float              tol;                // tolerance when using iterative methode
  size_type          max_iter;           // maximum number of iteration when using iterative method
  size_type          n_refinement;       // number of iterative refinement, when using direct method (umfpack only support it)
  bool               compute_determinant; // compute also det, when using direct method
  std::string        prefered_library;   // e.g. "umfpack", when available
  size_type          verbose_level;      // 0, 1, 2, 3
  bool               do_check;
  bool               force_seq;          // (still buggy; when using direct) restrict to diagonal blocs per process (e.g. mumps solver)
  size_type          level_of_fill;      // (in development) Level of fill [1:5] for incomplete factorisation
  size_type          amalgamation;       // (in development) Level of amalgamation [10:70] for Kass
  size_type          ooc;                // (in development) out-of-core limit (Mo/percent depending on compilation options)
// allocator with default values:
  solver_option_type ()
   : iterative     (decide),
#if defined(_RHEOLEF_HAVE_QD) || defined(_RHEOLEF_HAVE_FLOAT128)
     tol           (1e6*std::numeric_limits<Float>::epsilon()),
     tol           (std::numeric_limits<Float>::epsilon()),
     max_iter      (100000),
     n_refinement  (2),
     verbose_level (0),
     do_check      (false),
     force_seq     (false),
     level_of_fill (1),
     amalgamation  (10),
     ooc           (20000)
  solver_option_type (const solver_option_type&);
  solver_option_type& operator= (const solver_option_type&);