spatialite_tool [-h | -i | -e] [-dbf pathname] [-shp pathname] [-d pathname] [-t table_name] [-g col_name] [-c charset_name] [-s SRID] [--type [POINT | LINESTRING | POLYGON | MULTIPOINT] ] [-2] [-k]DESCRIPTION
spatialite_tool is an utility CLI tool for Shapefile import / export.OPTIONS
- -h, --help
- show help message
- -i, --import
- import (CSV/TXT, DBF or SHP)
- -e, --export-shp
- exporting some shapefile
- -dbf pathname, --dbf-path pathname
- the full DBF path
- -shp pathname, --shapefile pathname
- the shapefile path (NO SUFFIX)
- -d pathname, --db-path pathname
- the SpatiaLite DB path
- -t table_name, --table table_name
- the db geotable
- -g col_name, --geometry-column col_name
- the Geometry column
- -c charset_name, --charset charset_name
- a charset name
- -s SRID, --srid SRID
- the SRID
- the geometry type
- -2, --coerce-2d
- coerce to 2D geoms (x,y)
- -k, --compressed
- apply geometry compression
spatialite_tool -i -dbf abc.dbf -d db.sqlite -t tbl -c CP1252
spatialite_tool -i -shp abc -d db.sqlite -t tbl -c CP1252 [-s 4326] [-g geom]
spatialite_tool -i -shp abc -d db.sqlite -t tbl -c CP1252 [-s 4326] [-2] [-k]
spatialite_tool -e -shp abc -d db.sqlite -t tbl -g geom -c CP1252 [--type POINT]