std::discard_block< _UniformRandomNumberGenerator(3) __r >


Public Types

_UniformRandomNumberGenerator base_type"

typedef base_type::result_type result_type

Public Member Functions

const base_type & base () const

discard_block ()

discard_block (const base_type &__rng)

discard_block (unsigned long __s)

template<class _Gen > discard_block (_Gen &__g)

result_type max () const

result_type min () const

result_type operator() ()

void seed ()

template<class _Gen > void seed (_Gen &__g)

Static Public Attributes

static const int block_size

static const int used_block


bool operator!= (const discard_block &__lhs, const discard_block &__rhs)

template<class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator1 , int __p1, int __r1, typename _CharT , typename _Traits > std::basic_ostream< _CharT,
_Traits > & operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const discard_block< _UniformRandomNumberGenerator1, __p1, __r1 > &__x)"

bool operator== (const discard_block &__lhs, const discard_block &__rhs)

template<class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator1 , int __p1, int __r1, typename _CharT , typename _Traits > std::basic_istream< _CharT,
_Traits > & operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, discard_block< _UniformRandomNumberGenerator1, __p1, __r1 > &__x)"

Detailed Description

template<class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, int __p, int __r>class std::discard_block< _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, __p, __r >

Produces random numbers from some base engine by discarding blocks of data.

0 <= __r <= __p

Definition at line 1078 of file tr1_impl/random.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, int __p, int __r> typedef _UniformRandomNumberGenerator std::discard_block< _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, __p, __r >::base_type

The type of the underlying generator engine.

Definition at line 1085 of file tr1_impl/random.

template<class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, int __p, int __r> typedef base_type::result_type std::discard_block< _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, __p, __r >::result_type

The type of the generated random value.

Definition at line 1087 of file tr1_impl/random.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, int __p, int __r> std::discard_block< _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, __p, __r >::discard_block () [inline]

Constructs a default discard_block engine.

The underlying engine is default constructed as well.

Definition at line 1098 of file tr1_impl/random.

template<class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, int __p, int __r> std::discard_block< _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, __p, __r >::discard_block (const base_type &__rng) [inline], [explicit]

Copy constructs a discard_block engine.

Copies an existing base class random number generator.


rng An existing (base class) engine object.

Definition at line 1108 of file tr1_impl/random.

template<class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, int __p, int __r> std::discard_block< _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, __p, __r >::discard_block (unsigned long__s) [inline], [explicit]

Seed constructs a discard_block engine.

Constructs the underlying generator engine seeded with __s.


__s A seed value for the base class engine.

Definition at line 1118 of file tr1_impl/random.

template<class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, int __p, int __r> template<class _Gen > std::discard_block< _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, __p, __r >::discard_block (_Gen &__g) [inline]

Generator construct a discard_block engine.


__g A seed generator function.

Definition at line 1127 of file tr1_impl/random.

Member Function Documentation

template<class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, int __p, int __r> const base_type& std::discard_block< _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, __p, __r >::base () const [inline]

Gets a const reference to the underlying generator engine object.

Definition at line 1156 of file tr1_impl/random.

template<class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, int __p, int __r> result_type std::discard_block< _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, __p, __r >::max () const [inline]

Gets the maximum value in the generated random number range.

Definition at line 1170 of file tr1_impl/random.

template<class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, int __p, int __r> result_type std::discard_block< _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, __p, __r >::min () const [inline]

Gets the minimum value in the generated random number range.

Definition at line 1163 of file tr1_impl/random.

template<class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator , int __p, int __r> discard_block< _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, __p, __r >::result_type std::discard_block< _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, __p, __r >::operator() ()

Gets the next value in the generated random number sequence.

Definition at line 583 of file random.tcc.

template<class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, int __p, int __r> void std::discard_block< _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, __p, __r >::seed () [inline]

Reseeds the discard_block object with the default seed for the underlying base class generator engine.

Definition at line 1134 of file tr1_impl/random.

template<class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, int __p, int __r> template<class _Gen > void std::discard_block< _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, __p, __r >::seed (_Gen &__g) [inline]

Reseeds the discard_block object with the given seed generator function.


__g A seed generator function.

Definition at line 1146 of file tr1_impl/random.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

template<class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, int __p, int __r> bool operator!= (const discard_block< _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, __p, __r > &__lhs, const discard_block< _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, __p, __r > &__rhs) [friend]

Compares two discard_block random number generator objects of the same type for inequality.


__lhs A discard_block random number generator object.
__rhs Another discard_block random number generator object.


true if the two objects are not equal, false otherwise.

Definition at line 1204 of file tr1_impl/random.

template<class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, int __p, int __r> template<class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator1 , int __p1, int __r1, typename _CharT , typename _Traits > std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const discard_block< _UniformRandomNumberGenerator1, __p1, __r1 > &__x) [friend]

Inserts the current state of a discard_block random number generator engine __x into the output stream __os.


__os An output stream.
__x A discard_block random number generator engine.


The output stream with the state of __x inserted or in an error state.

template<class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, int __p, int __r> bool operator== (const discard_block< _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, __p, __r > &__lhs, const discard_block< _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, __p, __r > &__rhs) [friend]

Compares two discard_block random number generator objects of the same type for equality.


__lhs A discard_block random number generator object.
__rhs Another discard_block random number generator object.


true if the two objects are equal, false otherwise.

Definition at line 1190 of file tr1_impl/random.

template<class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator, int __p, int __r> template<class _UniformRandomNumberGenerator1 , int __p1, int __r1, typename _CharT , typename _Traits > std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, discard_block< _UniformRandomNumberGenerator1, __p1, __r1 > &__x) [friend]

Extracts the current state of a % subtract_with_carry random number generator engine __x from the input stream __is.


__is An input stream.
__x A discard_block random number generator engine.


The input stream with the state of __x extracted or in an error state.


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