locates different versions of a file saved with

SYNOPSIS -f file [-b root] [-v]
[-l [-a | [-s] [-u] [-g] [-M] [-c] [-m]]]


--file, -f
    file name (name in the backup, probably with suffix
    from compression)
--backupRoot -b
    root of storeBackup tree, normally not needed
--verbose, -v
    print verbose messages
--locateSame, -l
    locate same file with other names
--showAll, -A
    same as: [-s -u -g -M -c -m]
--size, -s
    show size (human readable) of source file
--uid, -u
    show uid of source file
--gid, -g
    show gid of source file
--mode, -M
    show permissions of source file
--ctime, -c
    show creation time of source file
--mtime, -m
    show modify time of source file
--atime, -a
    show access time of source file

It does not always work correctly when a file is saved blocked *and* non-blocked in different backups. In such cases, use option --locateSame.


Copyright (c) 2002-2008 by Heinz-Josef Claes (see README) Published under the GNU General Public License v3 or any later version