SWF::Filter(3) SWF filter class


use SWF::Blur;
use SWF::Shadow;
use SWF::Constants qw(:Filter);
@color= (12,45,99);
$blur = new SWF::Blur(15, 15, 2);
$shadow = new SWF::Shadow(2.5, 12, 2);
$filter = SWF::Filter::newDropShadowFilter( \@color,
$blur, $shadow, SWF_FILTER_MODE_KO);
$displayitem->addFilter( $filter);


Filter objects are available since player version 8. They can be applied to buttons, movieclips and text instances by the addFilter() method of SWF::DisplayItem objects. Several types of filters exist. Each of them has its own method of construction, see below.


newDropShadowFilter($colorref, $blur, $shadow, $flags)
Creates a DropShadowFilter object. The object is controlled by color, blur object, shadow object and flags (SWF_FILTER_MODE_INNER, SWF_FILTER_MODE_KO).
Creates a BlurFilter object. The object is controlled by the blur object.
newGlowFilter($colorref, $blur, $strength, $flags)
Creates a GlowFilter object, a simple variant of DropShadowFilter. Use SWF_FILTER_MODE_INNER, SWF_FILTER_MODE_KO as flag values.
newBevelFilter($shadow_colorref, $highlight_colorref, $blur, $shadow, $flags)
Just another (complex) variant of DropShadowFilter. Use SWF_FILTER_MODE_INNER, SWF_FILTER_MODE_KO or FILTER_MODE_ONTOP as flag values.
newGradientGlowFilter($gradient, $blur, $shadow, $flags)
Just another (more complex) variant of DropShadowFilter. As flag use SWF_FILTER_MODE_INNER, SWF_FILTER_MODE_KO or SWF_FILTER_MODE_ONTOP .
newGradientBevelFilter($gradient, $blur, $shadow, $flags)
Just another (slightly more complex) variant of DropShadowFilter, extending newBevelFilter() by using a gradient instead of simple colors. Use SWF_FILTER_MODE_INNER, SWF_FILTER_MODE_KO or FILTER_MODE_ONTOP as flag values.
The filtermatrix is an object of SWF::FilterMatrix class sized 5 columns x 4 rows for RGBA values, useful for transformations like color conversion to greyscale pictures.
newConvolutionFilter($filtermatrix, $divisor, $bias, $colorref, $flags)
Another filter for nice picture effects like blur etc. The filtermatrix is an object of SWF::FilterMatrix class. As flag use either use SWF_FILTER_FLAG_CLAMP or SWF_FILTER_FLAG_PRESERVE_ALPHA.


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