SWFGradient_addEntry(3) add a gradient control point


#include <ming.h>

void SWFGradient_addEntry
       SWFGradient gradient,

       float ratio,

       byte r,

       byte g,

       byte b,

       byte a



SWFGradient gradient
Not Documented.
float ratio
Not Documented.
byte r
Not Documented.
byte g
Not Documented.
byte b
Not Documented.
byte a
Not Documented.


The ratio defines the position of the control point and RGBA defines its color. SWF <= 7 allows up to 8 control points SWF >= 8 allows up to 15 control points

The ration parameter is a float and must be in a range between [0.0 ... 1.0].

In order to use SWF8 gradient features you need to set SWFShapes version to SWF_SHAPE4. Use SWFShape_useVersion() and friends.