sxacl-userlist(1) list all users in a cluster


sxacl userlist [,OPTIONS/] ,sx:///[,profile@/],cluster/


sxacl userlist lists all users (and their types) in a Skylable SX cluster. Only cluster administrators can list users.


-v, --verbose
Print additional details about the users, such as their roles and quota settings.
-H, --human-readable
Convert all sizes (eg. quota limits) to an easily readable format.
-h, --help
Print help and exit
Print help, including hidden options, and exit
-V, --version
Print version and exit
List all clones of USER
-c, --config-dir=,PATH/
Path to the SX configuration directory (default: ~/.sx)
-D, --debug
Enable debug messages.


To list all users in the cluster run:
sxacl userlist sx://admin@cluster