taurusuic4(1) manual page for taurusuic4 *******************************************************************************


taurusuic4 [,options/] ,<ui-file>/


******************************************************************************* taurusuic4 is deprecated since SEP11 (http://sf.net/p/sardana/wiki/SEP11) Consider using the taurus.qt.qtgui.util.UILoadable decorator instead *******************************************************************************

a taurus customized pyuic4


show program's version number and exit
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-p PREVIEW, --preview=,PREVIEW/
-o FILE, --output=,FILE/
write generated code to FILE instead of stdout
-x, --execute
generate extra code to test and display the class
-d, --debug
show debug output
-i N, --indent=,N/
set indent width to N spaces, tab if N is 0 (default: 4)
-w, --pyqt3-wrapper
generate a PyQt v3 style wrapper
generate an additional taurus python file

taurusuic4 is deprecated since SEP11 (http://sf.net/p/sardana/wiki/SEP11) Consider using the taurus.qt.qtgui.util.UILoadable decorator instead ******************************************************************************* taurusuic4 3.7.0