tempest functional-test-suite [functional-test-suite]
tempest Tempest is a set of integration tests to be run against a live Openstack cluster in order to make sure that all components are working as expected. Tempest will start and stop virtual machine in order to check that your cloud is working as expected.
Additional configuration files
Before running any test, you must configure /etc/tempest/tempest.conf
Parameters and options
List all integration tests to be run. The (non-exhaustive) list is:
identity, image, compute, network, volume, object_storage,
telemetry, orchestration, dashboard.
The full python path of the test can also be used. Example: tempest.api.compute.images.test_image_metadata.ImagesMetadataTestXML
tempest identity image
This will run both the Keystone and Glance functional testing.