Test::BDD::Cucumber::Extension(3) Abstract superclass for extensions


version 0.50


Provides an abstract superclass for extensions. Loaded extensions will have their hook-implementations triggered at specific points during the BDD script execution.



A hash, the configuration read from the config file, verbatim. Extensions should look for their own configuration in



The returns an arrayref whose values enumerate directories (relative to the directory of the extension) which hold step files to be loaded when the extension is loaded.


Invoked by App::pherkin before executing any features. This callback allows generic extension setup. Reports errors by calling croak().


Invoked by App::pherkin after executing all features. This callback allows generic extension teardown and cleanup. Reports errors by calling croak().

pre_feature($feature, $feature_stash)

Invoked by the Executor before executing the background and feature scenarios and their respective pre-hooks. Reports errors by calling croak().

post_feature($feature, $feature_stash)

Invoked by the Executor after executing the background and feature scenarios and their respective post-hooks. Reports errors by calling croak().

pre_scenario($scenario, $feature_stash, $scenario_stash)

Invoked by the Executor before executing the steps in $scenario and their respective pre-hooks. Reports errors by calling croak().

post_scenario($scenario, $feature_stash, $scenario_stash, $failed)

Invoked by the Executor after executing all the steps in $scenario and their respective post-hooks. Reports errors by calling croak().

$failure indicates whether any of the steps in the scenario has failed.

pre_step($step, $step_context)

Invoked by the Executor before executing each step in $scenario. Reports errors by calling croak().

Feature and scenario stashes can be reached through
 $step_context->{stash}->{feature} and

Note: *executed* steps, so not called for skipped steps.

post_step($step, $step_context, $failed)

Invoked by the Executor after each executed step in $scenario. Reports errors by calling croak().

$failure indicates whether the step has failed.

Note: *executed* steps, so not called for skipped steps.


Erik Huelsmann "[email protected]"


Copyright 2016, Erik Huelsmann; Licensed under the same terms as Perl