version 0.006SYNOPSIS
use Test::More;
use Test::Deep;
use Test::Deep::Type;
use MooseX::Types::Moose 'Str';
message => 'ack I am slain',
counter => 123,
message => is_type(Str),
counter => is_type(sub { die "not an integer" unless int($_[0]) eq $_[0] }),
'message is a plain string, counter is a number',
"Test::Deep::Type" provides the sub "is_type" to indicate that the data being tested must validate against the passed type. This is an actual type object, not a string name --- for example something provided via MooseX::Types, or a plain old coderef that returns a bool (such as what might be used in a Moo type constraint).FUNCTIONS
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Exported by default; to be used within a Test::Deep comparison function such as cmp_deeply. As this module aims to be a solution for many popular type systems, we attempt to use the type in multiple ways:
- MooseX::Types/Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint-style types:
- If the "validate" method exists, it is invoked on the type object with the data as its parameter (which should return "undef" on success, and the error message on failure).
- coderef/Moo-style types:
If the type appears to be or act like a coderef (either a coderef, blessed or
unblessed, or possesses a coderef overload) the type is invoked as a sub, with
the data as its parameter. Its return value is treated as a boolean; if it
also dies with a message describing the failure, this message is used in the
failure diagnostics.
Type::Tiny types fall into this category, and are fully supported.
Regular strings describing a type under a particular system (e.g. Moose, Params::Validate) are not currently supported.SUPPORT
Bugs may be submitted through <>. I am also usually active on irc, as 'ether' at <irc://>.AUTHOR
Karen Etheridge <[email protected]>COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Karen Etheridge.This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.