tlp command [param]
This command allows one to invoke TLP's functions manually and provides extended battery functions for ThinkPads.
- start
Initialize tlp and apply settings according to the actual power source.
- bat
Apply settings for battery power source.
- true
Same as bat (this command is called when power source changes to battery).
- ac
Apply settings for ac power source.
- false
Same as ac (this command is called when power source changes
to ac).
- usb
Enable autosuspend for all usb devices, except blacklisted ones.
- bayoff
Turn off optical drive in UltraBay/MediaBay.
The drive may be re-enabled by pulling the eject lever or pushing the media eject button on newer models.
- setcharge [START_CHARGE STOP_CHARGE] [BAT0|BAT1] (ThinkPads only)
Set charge thresholds of main (BAT0) or Ultrabay (BAT1) battery temporarily. Values must be between 1 and 100, Stop > Start + 3. Configured thresholds are restored upon next system start. When called without arguments, configured thresholds are set.
- fullcharge [BAT0|BAT1] (ThinkPads only)
Set charge thresholds of main (BAT0) or Ultrabay (BAT1) battery to factory preset (96/100) temporarily (causing a full charge). Configured thresholds are restored upon next system start.
- chargeonce [BAT0|BAT1] (ThinkPads only)
Charge main (BAT0) or Ultrabay (BAT1) battery to upper charge threshold once (bypassing lower threshold). Configured thresholds are restored upon next system start.
- discharge [BAT0|BAT1] (ThinkPads only)
Force complete discharge of main (BAT0) or Ultrabay (BAT1) battery.
- recalibrate [BAT0|BAT1] (ThinkPads only)
Battery recalibration: completely discharge main (BAT0) or Ultrabay (BAT1) battery and recharge to 100%.
- stat
Same as tlp-stat.
- diskid
Show disk ids for configuration.
System configuration file containing all power management settings.
Thomas Koch <linrunner at>