tmx-POStagger file.tmx # creates pos_file.tmx
tmx-POStagger -o=out.tmx file.tmx
-ner ... tags multiword named entities
Although this script is bundled in "XML::TMX", it has a soft dependency on "Lingua::FreeLing3". Soft means that the dependency is not ensured at install time, and other features of the module can still be used without "Lingua::FreeLing3". Nevertheless, if you want to use this tool you should install that module.At the moment the supported languages are the same as supported by FreeLing3: English, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese and Italian.
It your TMX file includes any other language, they will be maintained without a change. This behavior can change in the future, as a basic regexp based POStaggerr might be implemented.
-ner --- groups Proper names with tag "mwe"
which which WDT includes include VBZ <mwe lema="edward_cole" pos="NP00000"> Edward Cole </mwe>
Alberto Manuel Brandão Simões, <[email protected]>COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
Copyright (C) 2012-2014 by Alberto Manuel Brandão Simões