tsv2tmx(1) Create a TMX from a TSV file


tsv2tmx [options]

--help brief help message
--man full documentation
--verbose | -v activated verbose mode
--sl=EN --tl=PT describe source and target language names
--header treat first line as a heading
--columns=1,2 specify which columns to extract


Print a brief help message and exits.
Prints the manual page and exits.
--verbose | -v
Activates the verbose mode.
--sl | --tl
Use these options to specify the names for the source and target languages.
By default this switch is on, and it means that the TSV file includes a first line with a heading. If no source or target language names are specified, the first line will be used to guess them.
Specify which columns should be extracted. Needs to be a pair of integers, separated by a comma. Columns indexes start at 0. Default to "1,2".


Useful to create translation memories from TSV files, that can be easily exported from spreadsheet software.


Alberto Simões, "<[email protected]>"


Copyright 2016 by Projecto Natura

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.