ttk::labelframe(3) Container widget with optional label


ttk::labelframe pathName ?options?


A ttk::labelframe widget is a container used to group other widgets together. It has an optional label, which may be a plain text string or another widget.


-class     -cursor-takefocus

See the ttk_widget manual entry for details on the standard options.


Command-Line Name:-labelanchor
Database Name:labelAnchor
Database Class:LabelAnchor
Specifies where to place the label. Allowed values are (clockwise from the top upper left corner): nw, n, ne, en, e, es, se, s,sw, ws, w and wn. The default value is theme-dependent.

Command-Line Name:-text
Database Name:text
Database Class:Text
Specifies the text of the label.

Command-Line Name:-underline
Database Name:underline
Database Class:Underline
If set, specifies the integer index (0-based) of a character to underline in the text string. The underlined character is used for mnemonic activation. Mnemonic activation for a ttk::labelframe sets the keyboard focus to the first child of the ttk::labelframe widget.

Command-Line Name:-padding
Database Name:padding
Database Class:Padding
Additional padding to include inside the border.

Command-Line Name:-labelwidget
Database Name:labelWidget
Database Class:LabelWidget
The name of a widget to use for the label. If set, overrides the -text option. The -labelwidget must be a child of the labelframe widget or one of the labelframe's ancestors, and must belong to the same top-level widget as the labelframe.

Command-Line Name:-width
Database Name:width
Database Class:Width
If specified, the widget's requested width in pixels.

Command-Line Name:-height
Database Name:height
Database Class:Height
If specified, the widget's requested height in pixels. (See ttk::frame(3tk) for further notes on -width and -height).


Supports the standard widget commands configure, cget, identify, instate, and state; see ttk::widget(3tk).


widget, frame, container, label, groupbox