UR::Manual(3) Short list of UR's documentation


UR - Short introduction

UR::Manual::Overview - UR from Ten Thousand Feet

UR::Manual::Tutorial - Getting started with UR

UR::Manual::SchemaDesign - A few things to keep in mind when designing a database schema

UR::Manual::Presentation - Slides for a presentation on UR

UR::Manual::Cookbook - Recepies for getting stuff working

UR::Manual::Metadata - UR's metadata system

UR::Object::Type::Initializer - Defining classes

ur - UR's command line tool

Basic Entities

UR::Object - Pretty much everything is-a UR::Object

UR::Object::Type - Metadata class for Classes

UR::Object::Property - Metadata class for Properties

UR::Namespace - Manage packages and classes

UR::Context - Software transactions and More!

UR::DataSource - How and where to get data