Subroutines within this module actually live in the UR::Object::Type namespace; this module is just a convienent place to collect them. The Module Writer is used by the class updater system ((UR::Namespace::Command::Update::Classes and 'ur update classes) to add, remove and alter the Perl modules behind the classes within a Namespace.METHODS
- resolve_module_header_source
Returns a string that represents a fully-formed class definition the the given class metaobject $classobj.
- resolve_class_description_perl
Used by resolve_module_header_source(). This method inspects all the applicable properties of the class metaobject and builds up a string that gets inserted between the {...} of the class definition string.
- rewrite_module_header
This method rewrites an existing Perl module file in place for the class metaobject, or creates a new file if one does not already exist.
- module_base_name
- Returns the pathname of the class's module relative to the top level directory of that class's Namespace.
- module_path
- Returns the fully qualified pathname of the class's module.
- module_source_lines
- Returns the text of the class's Perl module as a list of strings.
- module_source
- Returns the text of the class's Perl module as a single string.
- module_header_positions
- Returns a 3-element list ($begin, $end, $use) where $begin is the line number where the class header begins. $end is the line number where it ends. $use is the line number where the module declares that it use's a Namespace.
- module_header_source_lines
- Returns the text of the class's Perl module source where the class definition is as a list of strings.
- module_header_source
- Returns the text of the class's Perl module source where the class definition is as a single string.