vbview2(1) image viewer for 3D and 4D volumes


vbview2 <flag> ...


vbview2 is part of the VoxBo suite of tools for brain image analysis.

vbview2 is an image viewer for to 3D and 4D images. It displays slices, not projections or surface renderings. It allows an arbitrary number of layers and graphs time series data.


-m <vol>
load a mask image
-a <vol>
load an auxiliary volume
-s <vol>
load a statistical map
show help
show version

To get a complete list of available flags, run the program with the -h argument.


Pre-built VoxBo binaries are available for Linux, OSX, and Cygwin, and via the NeuroDebian project (neuro.debian.net) for Debian derivatives.


VoxBo is provided with no warranty whatsoever.


For an historical roster of the VoxBo development team, visit www.voxbo.org.