Video::Info::ASF(3) ASF files for attributes


use Video::Info::ASF;
my $video;
$video = Video::Info::ASF->new(-file=>$filename); #like this
$video->vcodec; #video codec
$video->acodec; #audio codec


ASF stands for Advanced Systems Format, in case you were wondering. It used to stand for Active Streaming Format, but Microsoft decided to change it. This type of file is primarily used to store audio & video data for local or streaming playback. It can also be embedded with commands (to launch a web browser, for instance), for an ``immersive'' experience. ASF is similar in structure to RIFF. (See RIFF::Info). The morbidly curious can find out more below in REFERENCES.


Video::Info::ASF is a subclass of Video::Info, a wrapper module designed to meet your multimedia needs for many types of files. As such, not all methods available in Video::Info::ASF are documented here.

Video::Info::ASF has one constructor, new(). It is called as:
  -file       => $filename,   #your ASF file Returns a Video::Info::ASF object if the file was opened successfully.

The Video::Info::ASF object to parses the file by method probe(). This does a series of sysread()s on the file to figure out what the properties are.

Now, call one (or more) of the Video::Info methods to get the low-down on your file. See Video::Info.


header() : returns the header section of the ASF file.


Audio codec name mapping is incomplete. If you know the name that corresponds to an audio codec ID that I don't, tell me.

Some Video::Info methods are not honored, such as fps and vframes. I haven't been able to figure out how to extract this information from the ASF 1.0 spec. Any information would be appreciated.


 Copyright (c) 2002
 Aladdin Free Public License (see LICENSE for details)
 Allen Day <[email protected]>