use Webinject;
my $webinject = Webinject->new();
WebInject is a free tool for automated testing of web applications and web services. It can be used to test individual system components that have HTTP interfaces (JSP, ASP, CGI, PHP, AJAX, Servlets, HTML Forms, XML/SOAP Web Services, REST, etc), and can be used as a test harness to create a suite of [HTTP level] automated functional, acceptance, and regression tests. A test harness allows you to run many test cases and collect/report your results. WebInject offers real-time results display and may also be used for monitoring system response times.CONSTRUCTOR
new ( [ARGS] )
Creates an "Webinject" object.- reporttype
- possible values are 'standard', 'nagios', 'nagios2', 'mrtg' or 'external:'
- nooutput
- suppress all output to STDOUT, create only logilfes
- break_on_errors
- stop after the first testcase fails, otherwise Webinject would go on and execute all tests regardless of the previous case.
- timeout
- Default timeout is 180seconds. Timeout starts again for every testcase.
- useragent
- Set the useragent used in HTTP requests. Default is 'Webinject'.
- max_redirect
- Set maximum number of HTTP redirects. Default is 0.
- proxy
Sets a proxy which is then used for http and https requests.
with authentication:
ex.: http://user:[email protected]:3128
- output_dir
- Output directory where all logfiles will go to. Defaults to current directory.
- globalhttplog
- Can be 'yes' or 'onfail'. Will log the http request and response to a http.log file.
- httpauth
Provides credentials for webserver authentications. The format is:
['servername', 'portnumber', 'realm-name', 'username', 'password']
- baseurl
- the value can be used as {BASEURL} in the test cases
- baseurl1
- the value can be used as {BASEURL1} in the test cases
- baseurl2
- the value can be used as {BASEURL2} in the test cases
- standaloneplot
- can be ``on'' or ``off''. Default is off. Create gnuplot graphs when enabled.
- graphtype
- Defaults to 'lines'
- gnuplot
- Defines the path to your gnuplot binary.
start the engine of webinjectTEST CASES
- addcookie
When added to a test case, this adds a cookie to the cookie jar prior to the test case request being sent (i.e. the test case this is attached to will include any cookies specified in this parameter). This is useful for cases where a cookie is set outside of a Set-Cookie directive in the response header. This parameter takes a comma-delimited list of fields that configure the cookie; the fields for this parameter are a direct one-to-one correllation with the parameters to the HTTP::Cookies::set_cookie method. As well, multiple cookies can be defined by separating with a '|' character as with the addheader parameter.
The comma-delimited list of fields are as follows.
version - Cookie-spec version number
name - Cookie name.
value - Cookie value.
path - The URL path where the cookie is set.
domain - The domain under which the cookie is set.
port - The port on which the cookie is set.
path_spec - Boolean. Set if the cookie is valid only under 'path' or the entire domain.
secure - Boolean. If true (1), the cookie is only sent over secure connections
maxage - The time in seconds the cookie is valid for.
discard - Boolean. Do not send in future requests and destroy upon the next cookie jar save.
- parseresponse
Parse a string from the HTTP response for use in subsequent requests. This is mostly used for passing Session ID's, but
can be applied to any case where you need to pass a dynamically generated value. It takes the arguments in the format
``leftboundary|rightboundary'', and an optional third argument ``leftboundary|rightboundary|escape|decode'' when you want
to force escaping of all non-alphanumeric characters (in case there is a wrong configuration of Apache server it will
push encoded HTML characters (/ = /, : = :, ... ) to the Webinject and decode serve to translate them into normal characters.
See the ``Session Handling and State Management - Parsing Response Data & Embedded Session ID's'' section of this manual for details and examples on how to use this parameter.
Note: You may need to prepend a backslash before certain reserved characters when parsing (sorry that is rather vague).
Note: Newlines (\n) are also valid boundaries and are useful when you need to use the end of the line as a boundary.
parseresponse1 Additional parameter for response parsing.
parseresponse2 Additional parameter for response parsing.
parseresponse3 Additional parameter for response parsing.
parseresponse4 Additional parameter for response parsing.
parseresponse5 Additional parameter for response parsing.
<testcases> <case id = "1" description1 = "Sample Test Case" method = "get" url = "{BASEURL}/test.jsp" verifypositive = "All tests succeded" warning = "5" critical = "15" label = "testpage" errormessage = "got error: {PARSERESPONSE}" /> </testcases>
detailed description about the syntax of testcases can be found on the Webinject homepage.
Copyright (C) 2010 by Sven NierleinCopyright (C) 2004-2006 by Corey Goldberg
This library is free software; you can redistribute it under the GPL2 license.