use XML::Grove::Path;
# Using at_path method on XML::Grove::Document or XML::Grove::Element:
$xml_obj = $grove_object->at_path("/some/path");
# Using an XML::Grove::Path instance:
$pather = XML::Grove::Path->new();
$xml_obj = $pather->at_path($grove_object);
"XML::Grove::Path" returns XML objects located at paths. Paths are strings of element names or XML object types separated by slash (``/'') characters. Paths must always start at the grove object passed to `"at_path()"'. "XML::Grove::Path" is not XPath, but it should become obsolete when an XPath implementation is available.Paths are like URLs
/html/body/ul/li[4] /html/body/#pi[2]
The path segments can be element names or object types, the objects types are named using:
#element #pi #comment #text #cdata #any
The `"#any"' object type matches any type of object, it is essentially an index into the contents of the parent object.
The `"#text"' object type treats text objects as if they are not normalized. Two consecutive text objects are separate text objects.