ykksm-checksum(1) Print checksum of important database fields. Useful for quickly determining whether several KSMs are in sync.


ykksm-checksum [,--verbose/] [,--help/] [,--database DBI/] [,--db-user USER/] [,--db-passwd PASSWD/]


Print checksum of important database fields. Useful for quickly determining whether several KSMs are in sync.
--database DBI: Database identifier, see http://dbi.perl.org/
defaults to a MySQL database ykksm on localhost, i.e., dbi:mysql:ykksm. For PostgreSQL on the local host you can use 'DBI:Pg:dbname=ykksm;host='.
--db-user USER: Database username to use, defaults to empty string.
--db-passwd PASSWD: Database password to use, defaults to empty string.

Usage example:
./ykksm-checksum --database dbi:mysql:ykksm --db-user user --db-passwd pencil