Other Alias
afInitByteOrder, afInitChannels, afInitRateSYNOPSIS
#include <audiofile.h>
void afInitSampleFormat(AFfilesetup setup, int track, int sampleFormat, int sampleWidth); void afInitByteOrder(AFfilesetup setup, int track, int byteOrder); void afInitChannels(AFfilesetup setup, int track, int channels); void afInitRate(AFfilesetup setup, int track, double rate);
setup is a valid file setup returned by afNewFileSetup(3).
track specifies a track within the audio file setup. track is always AF_DEFAULT_TRACK for all currently supported file formats.
sampleFormat is a symbolic constant specifying the sample format for the audio data in the track. sampleFormat must be one of AF_SAMPFMT_TWOSCOMP, AF_SAMPFMT_UNSIGNED, AF_SAMPFMT_FLOAT, or AF_SAMPFMT_DOUBLE.
sampleWidth is a positive integer specifying the number of bits for each sample in the track.
byteOrder is a symbolic constant specifying the byte order of the track. byteOrder must be one of AF_BYTEORDER_BIGENDIAN or AF_BYTEORDER_LITTLEENDIAN.
channels is a positive integer specifying the number of channels in the track.
rate is a positive double-precision floating-point number specifying the sample rate of the track.
afInitSampleFormat initializes the track to the specified sample format and sample width.
afInitByteOrder initializes the track to the specified byte order.
afInitChannels initializes the track to the specified number of channels.
afInitRate initializes the track to the specified sample rate.
afInitSampleFormat, afInitByteOrder, afInitChannels, and afInitRate can produce the following errors:
setup represents an invalid file setup.
track represents an invalid track identifier.
afInitSampleFormat can also produce the following errors:
sampleFormat does not represent a valid sample format.
sampleWidth is not a valid sample width.
afInitByteOrder can also produce the following error:
byteOrder does not represent a valid byte order.
afInitChannels can also produce the following error:
channels specifies an invalid number of channels.
afInitRate can also produce the following error:
rate specifies an invalid sample rate.