al_create_sample(1) Allegro 5 API


#include <allegro5/allegro_audio.h>
ALLEGRO_SAMPLE *al_create_sample(void *buf, unsigned int samples,
   unsigned int freq, ALLEGRO_AUDIO_DEPTH depth,
   ALLEGRO_CHANNEL_CONF chan_conf, bool free_buf)


Create a sample data structure from the supplied buffer. If free_buf is true then the buffer will be freed with al_free(3alleg5) when the sample data structure is destroyed. For portability (especially Windows), the buffer should have been allocated with al_malloc(3alleg5). Otherwise you should free the sample data yourself.

To allocate a buffer of the correct size, you can use something like this:

int sample_size = al_get_channel_count(chan_conf)
                  * al_get_audio_depth_size(depth);
int bytes = samples * sample_size;
void *buffer = al_malloc(bytes);