Attean::Result(3) SPARQL Result


This document describes Attean::Result version 0.017


use v5.14;
use Attean;
my $result = Attean::Result->new(bindings => { name => $literal, homepage => $iri } );
my @vars = $result->variables; # ('name', 'homepage')
my $term = $result->value('name'); # $term == $literal


The Attean::Result class represents a SPARQL result (a set of bindings from variable names to terms). It conforms to the Attean::API::Result role.


Returns the HASH reference containing the variable bindings for this result.
"value( $name )"
Returns the term object bound to the $named variable, or undef if the name does not map to a term.
Returns a list of the variable names that are bound to terms in this result object.
Returns a string serialization of the variable bindings contained in the result.


Please report any bugs or feature requests to through the GitHub web interface at <>.


Gregory Todd Williams "<[email protected]>"


Copyright (c) 2014--2016 Gregory Todd Williams. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.