This document describes Attean::SimpleQueryEvaluator version 0.017SYNOPSIS
use v5.14;
use Attean;
my $algebra = Attean->get_parser('SPARQL')->parse('SELECT * WHERE { ... }');
my $active_graph = Attean::IRI->new('');
my $e = Attean::SimpleQueryEvaluator->new( model => $model );
my $iter = $e->evaluate( $algebra, $active_graph );
The Attean::SimpleQueryEvaluator class implements a simple query evaluator that, given an Attean::API::Algebra and a Attean::API::Model object, evaluates the query represented by the algebra using data from the model, and returns a query result.ATTRIBUTES
- "model"
- The Attean::API::Model object used for query evaluation.
- "default_graph"
- The Attean::API::IRI object representing the default graph in the "model". The default graph will be excluded from enumeration of graph names for query features such as "GRAPH ?g {}".
- "evaluate( $algebra, $active_graph )"
- Returns an Attean::API::Iterator object with results produced by evaluating the query $algebra against the evaluator's "model", using the supplied $active_graph.
Please report any bugs or feature requests to through the GitHub web interface at <>.AUTHOR
Gregory Todd Williams "<[email protected]>"COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2014--2016 Gregory Todd Williams. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.