The authtable structure is used to describe an hash table.The declarations needed to work on authtable are available in the header file "/labo/include/aut101.h", where '101' is the actual aut version.
The following C structure supports the description of an hash element :
typedef struct authtable { authelem *TABLE; long TABLE_SIZE; long NUMBER_ELEM; long NUMBER_ADD; long NUMBER_SCAN; long NUMBER_DEL; long NUMBER_STRETCH; } authtable;
TABLE is the hash element array. - TABLE_SIZE
TABLE_SIZE is the size of the hash table. - NUMBER_ELEM
NUMBER_ELEM is the number of element in the hash table. - NUMBER_ADD
NUMBER_ADD is the number of added elements. - NUMBER_SCAN
NUMBER_SCAN is the number of scans to find an element. - NUMBER_DEL
NUMBER_DEL is the number of deleted elements. - NUMBER_STRETCH
NUMBER_STRETCH is the number of hash table stretch.