This module parses files into a Diagram Object, which all handlers use. The role of the handler is to parse through the file extracting information such as Class names, attributes, methods and properties.CONSTRUCTION METHOD
use Autodia::Handler::CSharp;my $handler = Autodia::Handler::CSharp->New(\%Config);
This creates a new handler using the Configuration hash to provide rules selected at the command line.
This parses the named file and returns 1 if successful or 0 if the file could not be opened.$handler->output_xml(); # interpolates values into an xml or html template
$handler->output_graphviz(); # generates a gif file via graphviz
Sean Dague <[email protected]>MAINTAINER
Aaron TrevenaCOPYRIGHT
Copyright 2007 Sean Dague Copyright 2001 - 2006 Aaron Trevena