bandwidthd(8) Tracks usage of TCP/IP and builds html files with graphs.


BandwidthD tracks usage of TCP/IP network subnets and builds html files with graphs to display utilization. Charts are built by individual IPs, and display utilization over 2 day, 8 day, 40 day, and 400 day periods. Furthermore, each ip address's utilization can be logged out at intervals of 2.5 minutes, 10 minutes, 1 hour or 12 hours in cdf format. HTTP, TCP, UDP, ICMP, VPN, and P2P traffic are color coded.

The configuration file "bandwidthd.conf" is described in it's own manual page.


/usr/sbin/bandwidthd                    - daemon binary.
/etc/init.d/bandwidthd                  - startscript.
/etc/bandwidthd/bandwidthd.conf - configuration file.
/var/run/                 - main process id file.
/var/lib/bandwidthd/                    - log directory.
/var/lib/bandwidtd/htdocs/              - html and graphs output directory.


This manual page was written by Andreas Henriksson <[email protected]>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system.