#documentation needed
This stores information about aminoacids translations of transcripts. The implementation is that a Translation object is the translation of a Transcript object, with different possibilities of manipulation, different coordinate system and eventually its own ranges (protein domains).APPENDIX
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _new
Title : new Usage : $protein = Bio::LiveSeq::Translation->new(-transcript => $transcr); Function: generates a new Bio::LiveSeq::Translation Returns : reference to a new object of class Translation Errorcode -1 Args : reference to an object of class Transcript
Title : valid Usage : $transcript = $obj->get_Transcript() Function: retrieves the reference to the object of class Transcript (if any) attached to a LiveSeq object Returns : object reference Args : none
Title : aa_ranges Usage : @proteinfeatures = $translation->aa_ranges() Function: to retrieve all the LiveSeq AARange objects attached to a Translation, usually created out of a SwissProt database entry crossreferenced from an EMBL CDS feature. Returns : an array Args : none