bookmarkbridge [options]DESCRIPTION
BookmarkBridge is a small, easy to use, multi-platform,GUI-based utility that allows the user to share bookmarks between all their browsers.
The user runs it periodically to synchronize between the browsers.
bookmarkbridge is supports these browser.
Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Navigator, Mozilla Firefox, and Konqueror.
These programs follow the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`-').- -b file
- Specify bookmark tree file.
- -f file
- Specify config file.
- -m
- Merge then exit.
- -r
- Do not save bookmark tree(read only)
- -t
- Don't Save Dates to Bookmart Tree File.
- -h, --help
Show summary of options.
bookmarkbridge was written by <Ken Schenke>.This manual page was written by
Masami Ichikawa <>,
for the Debian project (but may be used by others).