cargo(1) The Rust package manager


cargo <COMMAND> [<ARGS>...]

cargo [OPTIONS]


This program is a package manager for the Rust language, available at <>.


-h, --help
Display a help message
-V, --version
Print version information and exit
List all available cargo commands
-v, --verbose
Use verbose output
Configure coloring of output


To get extended information about commands, run 'cargo help <command>'

cargo build
Compile the current project
cargo clean
Remove the target directory with build output
cargo doc
Build this project's and its dependencies' documentation
cargo init
Create a new cargo project in the current directory
cargo install
Install a Rust binary
cargo new
Create a new cargo project
cargo run
Build and execute src/
cargo test
Run the tests for the package
cargo bench
Run the benchmarks for the package
cargo update
Update dependencies in Cargo.lock
cargo package
Generate a source tarball for the current package
cargo publish
Package and upload this project to the registry
cargo uninstall
Remove a Rust binary
cargo version
Print cargo's version and exit


Directory in which Cargo stores repository data. Cargo can be instructed to use a .cargo subdirectory in a different location by setting the CARGO_HOME environment variable.


Build a local package and all of its dependencies
    $ cargo build

Build a package with optimizations
    $ cargo build --release

Run tests for a cross-compiled target
    $ cargo test --target i686-unknown-linux-gnu

Create a new project that builds an executable
    $ cargo new --init foobar

Create a project in the current directory
    $ mkdir foo && cd foo
    $ cargo init .

Learn about a command's options and usage
    $ cargo help clean


This work is dual-licensed under Apache 2.0 and MIT terms. See COPYRIGHT file in the cargo source distribution.