version 2.88SYNOPSIS
my $par = Chart::Clicker::Renderer::PolarArea->new;
# Optionally set the stroke
# and color
$par->border_color(Graphics::Color::RGB->new(red => 1, green => 1, blue => 1));
Chart::Clicker::Renderer::PolarArea renders each series as a slice of a pie. The values of the series determine the radius of each slice, with larger values making the slices longer. The 360 degrees of pie is divided equally.ATTRIBUTES
Set/Get the color to use for the border.brush
Set/Get a brush to be used for the polar area's borders, which are around each slice.AUTHOR
Cory G Watson <[email protected]>COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Cold Hard Code, LLC.This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.