Client_Side_Document_Matching(3) None



This feature will be removed in version 2.0.

The MongoDB C driver supports matching a subset of the MongoDB query specification on the client.

Currently, basic numeric, string, subdocument, and array equality, $gt , $gte , $lt , $lte , $in , $nin , $ne , $exists , $type , $and , and $or are supported. As this is not the same implementation as the MongoDB server, some inconsistencies may occur. Please file a bug if you find such a case.

The following example performs a basic query against a BSON document.

The following example shows how to process a BSON stream from stdin and match it against a query. This can be useful if you need to perform simple matching against mongodump backups.

To test this, perform a mongodump of a single collection and pipe it to the program.


MongoDB shell version: 2.6.1
connecting to: test
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })
$ { _id : { $oid : 537afac9a70e5b4d556153bc }, hello : world }


This page is part of MongoDB C Driver. Please report any bugs at