- config-gfsd [options]
config-gfsd assumes that the configuration file %%SYSCONFDIR%%/gfarm2.conf (or %%SYSCONFDIR%%/gfsd.conf in case of the private-mode) exists on the host. Please copy the file from the metadata server, if missing.
It performs the following processes, in that order:
- 1. Crerate a spool directory.
- 2. Update the Gfarm configuration file %%SYSCONFDIR%%/gfarm2.conf or %%SYSCONFDIR%%/gfsd.conf.
Create a script (or a configuration file) to start/stop
On most systems, config-gfsd puts a start/stop script gfsd (or gfsd-ADDRESS in case of the private mode) onto either /etc/init.d or /etc/rc.d/init.d, according to the operating system.
On Linux with systemd such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 or later, config-gfsd puts the unit configuration file gfsd.service (or gfsd-ADDRESS.service in case of the private mode) onto /etc/systemd/system, and then executes systemctl enable gfsd.service (or systemctl enable gfsd-ADDRESS.service respectively).
In case of the private mode,
registers the host as a file spool node to the metadata server, by executing
gfhost -c
command. In the non-private mode, it shows how to register the host as a file spool node to the metadata server, like this:
Please ask admin_user to register your host by the following command: /usr/bin/gfhost -c -a x86_64-centos7.0-linux -p 600 -n 2 ext540
In case of the private mode,
gfsd. In the non-private mode, it shows how to start
gfsd, like as follows:
After that, start gfsd by the following command as a root: systemctl start gfsd.service
Puts the script on %%SYSCONFDIR%%. The script does unconfiguration of gfsd. It stops gfsd and removes all files created by config-gfsd including itself.
Before set up a file spool node using config-gfsd, it is recommended to execute config-gfsd -t. With -t option, the sets up is not performed. Instead, it shows values of all configurable parameters:
$ config-gfsd -t prefix [--prefix]: hostname [-h]: listen address [-l]: (all local IP addresses) architecture [-a]: x86_64-centos6.5-linux port [-p]: 600 ncpu [-n]: 8 spool directory : /var/gfarm-spool rc script : /etc/init.d/gfsd gfarm client conf file : /etc/gfarm2.conf gfsd pid file : /var/run/
The option name surrounded by [ ] means that you can specify a value with that option.
--prefix path
Configure some paths related to
gfsd. Specifically, the followings are affected.
- • The spool directory of gfsd. That is PREFIX/var/gfarm-spool.
- • The directory to put a PID file of gfsd. That is PREFIX/var/run.
- • The directory of configuration files. That is PREFIX/etc.
- • The directory of start/stop script for gfsd. That is PREFIX/etc/init.d or PREFIX/rc.d/init.d/etc which is depending on operating systems.
- • If systemd is running on the host, there is a special exception. When an empty prefix is given by --prefix option on such host, config-gfsd doesn't put a unit configuration file for systemd. Instead, it puts traditional start/stop script at PREFIX/etc/init.d.
- • The unconfiguration script That is PREFIX/etc/
The default is "" (empty).
-a architecture
- Specify architecture of the host. config-gfsd gives this value to gfhost -c as an argument of -a option. config-gfsd guesses the architecture, and use it by default.
-p port
- Specify a TCP port number the configured gfsd listens on. The default is 10600 if the private mode, 600 otherwise.
-h hostname
- Specify a hostname of the host. config-gfsd gives this value to gfhost -c as an non-option argument. The default is the fully qualified domainname of the host on DNS.
-l address
Specify a listen address of
gfsd. By default, it listens on all local IP addresses. If this option is specified, also the following changes occur:
- • The name of start/stop script is changed from gfsd to gfsd-ADDRESS, when config-gfsd creates the script.
- • The name of unit configuration file for systemd is changed from gfsd.service to gfsd-ADDRESS.service, when config-gfsd creates the file.
- • The spool directory is changed from PREFIX/var/gfarm-spool to PREFIX/var/gfarm-spool-ADDRESS, where PREFIX is a prefix given by --prefix option.
-n ncpu
- Specify the number of CPUs of the host. config-gfsd gives this value to gfhost -c as an argument of -n option. config-gfsd guesses the number of CPUs, and use it by default.
- Show usage, then exit.
Enable the private mode.
sets up the Gfarm file system which can be run without root privilege. Specifically,
changes the configuration procedures as follows:
- • The default listen port of gfsd (corresponding with -p option) is changed from 600 to 10600.
- • It updates the configuration file %%SYSCONFDIR%%/gfsd.conf, instead of %%SYSCONFDIR%%/gfarm2.conf.
- • It registers the file spool node by executing gfhost -c.
- • It starts gfsd, unless -N option is given.
-S option never changes locations of a start/stop script and a configuration file. Since the default locations of those files are usually writable only for privilege users, config-gfsd fails to create them. To avoid this problem, also specify --prefix option.
- Do not start gfsd.
- Force overwriting an existing set up.
- Show values of all configurable parameters in human readable format, then exit immediately.
- Like '-t', but it shows values in KEY=VALUE format.
- configuration file for Gfarm clients
- configuration file for gfsd (used only in the private mode)
- start/stop script for gfsd
- unit configuration file for gfsd, read by systemd