component of cufflinks suite
[,options/] ,<transcripts.gtf> <sample1_hits.sam> <sample2_hits.sam> /[... ,sampleN_hits.sam/]
cuffquant v2.2.1 ()
Supply replicate SAMs as comma separated lists for each condition: sample1_rep1.sam,sample1_rep2.sam,...sample1_repM.sam
General Options:
- -o/--output-dir
write all output files to this directory [ default: ./ ]
- -M/--mask-file
ignore all alignment within transcripts in this file [ default: NULL ]
- -b/--frag-bias-correct
use bias correction - reference fasta required [ default: NULL ]
- -u/--multi-read-correct
use 'rescue method' for multi-reads [ default: FALSE ]
- -p/--num-threads
number of threads used during quantification [ default: 1 ]
- --library-type
Library prep used for input reads [ default: below ]
Advanced Options:
- -m/--frag-len-mean
average fragment length (unpaired reads only) [ default: 200 ]
- -s/--frag-len-std-dev
fragment length std deviation (unpaired reads only) [ default: 80 ]
- -c/--min-alignment-count
minimum number of alignments in a locus for testing [ default: 10 ]
- --max-mle-iterations
maximum iterations allowed for MLE calculation [ default: 5000 ]
- -v/--verbose
log-friendly verbose processing (no progress bar) [ default: FALSE ]
- -q/--quiet
log-friendly quiet processing (no progress bar) [ default: FALSE ]
- --seed
value of random number generator seed [ default: 0 ]
- --no-update-check
do not contact server to check for update availability[ default: FALSE ]
- --max-bundle-frags
maximum fragments allowed in a bundle before skipping [ default: 500000 ]
- --max-frag-multihits
Maximum number of alignments allowed per fragment [ default: unlim ]
- --no-effective-length-correction
No effective length correction [ default: FALSE ]
- --no-length-correction
No length correction [ default: FALSE ]
Debugging use only:
- --read-skip-fraction
Skip a random subset of reads this size [ default: 0.0 ]
- --no-read-pairs
Break all read pairs [ default: FALSE ]
- --trim-read-length
Trim reads to be this long (keep 5' end) [ default: none ]
- --no-scv-correction
Disable SCV correction [ default: FALSE ]
Supported library types:
fr-unstranded (default)