#include <synce.h>
bool date_from_tm(struct tm *pTm, DATE *pDateOut);
bool date_to_tm(DATE dateIn, DWORD dwFlags, struct tm *pTm);
The date_from_tm() function converts a tm struct into the Windows DATE field pointed to by pDateOut. Only years after 1900 are converted. The fields tm.tm_wday, tm.tm_yday and tm.tm_isdst are not used.date_to_tm() does the reverse. It only fills the fields tm_sec, tm_min, tm_hour, tm_year, tm_day, tm_mon. Dates before January 1st 1900 are not supported. dwFlags should be 0, DATE_TIMEVALUEONLY to omit the date information or DATE_DATEVALUEONLY to omit time information. Whereas the tm.tm_year field usually holds the number of years since 1900, this function provides the complete year.