This module contains a list of words and expressions supporting the language. It is not intended to be used directly (other Date::Manip modules will load it as needed).LANGUAGE EXPRESSIONS
The following is a list of all language words and expressions used to write times and/or dates.All strings are case insensitive.
- Month names and abbreviations
When writing out the name of the month, several different variations may
exist including full names and abbreviations.
The following month names may be used:
janvier février fevrier mars avril mai juin juillet août aout septembre octobre novembre décembre decembre
The following abbreviations may be used:
jan jan. fév fev fev. fév. mar mar. avr avr. mai mai. juin juin. juil juil. août aout aout. août. sept sept. oct oct. nov nov. déc dec dec. déc.
- Day names and abbreviations
When writing out the name of the day, several different variations may
exist including full names and abbreviations.
The following day names may be used:
lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi samedi dimanche
The following abbreviations may be used:
lun lun. mar mar. mer mer. jeu jeu. ven ven. sam sam. dim dim.
The following short (1-2 characters) abbreviations may be used:
l ma me j v s d
- Delta field names
These are the names (and abbreviations) for the fields in a delta. There are
7 fields: years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds.
The names and abbreviations for these fields are:
annees années an annee ans année mois m semaine semaines sem jours j jour journee journée heures h heure minutes mn min minute secondes s sec seconde
- Morning/afternoon times
This is a list of expressions use to designate morning or afternoon time
when a time is entered as a 12-hour time rather than a 24-hour time.
For example, in English, the time ``17:00'' could be specified as ``5:00 PM''.
Morning and afternoon time may be designated by the following sets of words:
du matin du soir
- Each or every
There are a list of words that specify every occurrence of something. These
are used in the following phrases:
EACH Monday EVERY Monday EVERY month
The following words may be used:
chaque tous les toutes les
- Next/Previous/Last occurrence
There are a list of words that may be used to specify the next,
previous, or last occurrence of something. These words could be used
in the following phrases:
NEXT week LAST Tuesday PREVIOUS Tuesday LAST day of the month
The following words may be used:
Next occurrence:
suivant suivante prochain prochaine
Previous occurrence:
precedent précédent precedente précédente derniere dernière
Last occurrence:
- Delta words for going forward/backward in time
When parsing deltas, there are words that may be used to specify
the the delta will refer to a time in the future or to a time in
the past (relative to some date). In English, for example, you
might say:
IN 5 days 5 days AGO
The following words may be used to specify deltas that refer to dates in the past or future respectively:
il y a auparavant dans le passé plus tot plus tôt en plus tard dans l'avenir a venir à venir dans
- Business mode
This contains two lists of words which can be used to specify a standard
(i.e. non-business) delta or a business delta.
Previously, it was used to tell whether the delta was approximate or exact, but now this list is not used except to force the delta to be standard.
The following words may be used:
exactement approximativement environ
The following words may be used to specify a business delta:
professionel ouvrable ouvrables
- Numbers
Numbers may be spelled out in a variety of ways. The following sets correspond
to the numbers from 1 to 53:
1er 1re premier un 2e deux deuxieme deuxième 3e trois troisieme troisième 4e quatre quatrieme quatrième 5e cinq cinquieme cinquième 6e six sixieme sixième 7e sept septieme septième 8e huit huitieme huitième 9e neuf neuvieme neuvième 10e dix dixieme dixième 11e onze onzieme onzième 12e douze douzieme douzième 13e treize treizieme treizième 14e quatorze quatorzieme quatorzième 15e quinze quinzieme quinzième 16e seize seizieme seizième 17e dix-sept dix-septieme dix-septième 18e dix-huit dix-huitieme dix-huitième 19e dix-neuf dix-neuvieme dix-neuvième 20e vingt vingtieme vingtième 21e vingt et un vingt et unieme vingt et unième 22e vingt-deux vingt-deuxieme vingt-deuxième 23e vingt-trois vingt-troisieme vingt-troisième 24e vingt-quatre vingt-quatrieme vingt-quatrième 25e vingt-cinq vingt-cinquieme vingt-cinquième 26e vingt-six vingt-sixieme vingt-sixième 27e vingt-sept vingt-septieme vingt-septième 28e vingt-huit vingt-huitieme vingt-huitième 29e vingt-neuf vingt-neuvieme vingt-neuvième 30e trente trentieme trentième 31e trente et un trente et unieme trente et unième 32e trente-deux trente-deuxieme trente-deuxième 33e trente-trois trente-troisieme trente-troisième 34e trente-quatre trente-quatrieme trente-quatrième 35e trente-cinq trente-cinquieme trente-cinquième 36e trente-six trente-sixieme trente-sixième 37e trente-sept trente-septieme trente-septième 38e trente-huit trente-huitieme trente-huitième 39e trente-neuf trente-neuvieme trente-neuvième 40e quarante quarantieme quarantième 41e quarante et un quarante et unieme quarante et unième 42e quarante-deux quarante-deuxieme quarante-deuxième 43e quarante-trois quarante-troisieme quarante-troisième 44e quarante-quatre quarante-quatrieme quarante-quatrième 45e quarante-cinq quarante-cinquieme quarante-cinquième 46e quarante-six quarante-sixieme quarante-sixième 47e quarante-sept quarante-septieme quarante-septième 48e quarante-huit quarante-huitieme quarante-huitième 49e quarante-neuf quarante-neuvieme quarante-neuvième 50e cinquante cinquantieme cinquantième 51e cinquante et un cinquante et unieme cinquante et unième 52e cinquante-deux cinquante-deuxieme cinquante-deuxième 53e cinquante-trois cinquante-troisieme cinquante-troisième
- Ignored words
In writing out dates in common forms, there are a number of words
that are typically not important.
There is frequently a word that appears in a phrase to designate that a time is going to be specified next. In English, you would use the word AT in the example:
December 3 at 12:00
The following words may be used:
a à
Another word is used to designate one member of a set. In English, you would use the words IN or OF:
1st day OF December 1st day IN December
The following words may be used:
de en du
Another word is use to specify that something is on a certain date. In English, you would use ON:
ON July 5th
The following words may be used:
- Words that set the date, time, or both
There are some words that can be used to specify a date, a
time, or both relative to now.
Words that set the date are similar to the English words 'yesterday' or 'tomorrow'. These are specified as a delta which is added to the current time to get a date. The time is NOT set however, so the delta is only partially used (it should only include year, month, week, and day fields).
The following words may be used:
aujourd'hui 0:0:0:0:0:0:0 aujourd’hui 0:0:0:0:0:0:0 demain +0:0:0:1:0:0:0 hier -0:0:0:1:0:0:0
Words that set only the time of day are similar to the English words 'noon' or 'midnight'.
The following words may be used:
midi 12:00:00 minuit 00:00:00
Words that set the entire time and date (relative to the current time and date) are also available.
In English, the word 'now' is one of these.
The following words may be used:
maintenant 0:0:0:0:0:0:0
- Hour/Minute/Second separators
When specifying the time of day, the most common separator is a colon (:)
which can be used for both separators.
Some languages use different pairs. For example, French allows you to specify the time as 13h30:20, so it would use the following pairs:
: : h :
The first column is the hour-minute separator and the second column is the minute-second separator. Both are perl regular expressions. When creating a new translation, be aware that regular expressions with utf-8 characters may be tricky. For example, don't include the expression '[x]' where 'x' is a utf-8 character.
A pair of colons is ALWAY allowed for all languages. If a language allows additional pairs, they are listed here:
h :
- Fractional second separator
When specifying fractional seconds, the most common way is to use a
decimal point (.). Some languages may specify a different separator
that might be used. If this is done, it is a regular expression.
The decimal point is ALWAYS allowed for all languages. If a language allows another separator, it is listed here:
Not defined in this language