dbmail.conf(5) configuration file for DBMail, the Database Mailer.


There are 8 sections: DBMAIL, SMTP, LMTP, POP, IMAP, SIEVE, LDAP, DELIVERY. The default config file already has documentation for all of the settings.


# Database settings
driver=pgsql            # Supported drivers are mysql, pgsql, sqlite.
authdriver=sql          # Supported drivers are sql, ldap.
host=                   # Host for database, set to localhost if database is on
                        #   the same host as dbmail and you want to use a local
                        #   socket for connecting.
sqlport=                # If you want to use TCP/IP for connecting to the database,
                        #   and have the database running on a non-standard port.
sqlsocket=              # When using a local socket connection to the database, fill
                        #   in the path to the socket here (e.g. /var/run/mysql.sock).
user=dbmail             # Database username.
pass=                   # Database password.
db=dbmail               # Database name.
table_prefix=dbmail_    # Table prefix. Defaults to "dbmail_" if not specified.
encoding=utf8           # Encoding to match database/table encoding, e.g., latin1, utf8
default_msg_encoding=utf8     # Default for messages without a known encoding, e.g., iso8859-1, utf8

postmaster=             # Postmaster's email address for use in bounce messages.
sendmail=/usr/sbin/sendmail   # Sendmail executable for forwards, replies, notifies, vacations.
                              # You may use pipes (|) in this command, for example:
                              # dos2unix|/usr/sbin/sendmail  will work well with Qmail.
                              # You may use quotes (") for executables with unusual names.

# The following items can be overridden in the service-specific sections.
TRACE_SYSLOG=5          # Trace level to send to syslog. Default is 2 (messages, errors, fatals).
TRACE_STDERR=2          # Trace level to send to stderr. Default is 0 (fatals).
EFFECTIVE_USER=nobody   # Root privs are used to open a port, then privs
EFFECTIVE_GROUP=nogroup #   are dropped down to the user/group specified here.
BINDIP=*                # The IP address the services will bind to.
                        #   Use * for all local interfaces.
                        #   Use for localhost only.
                        #   Multiple addresses may be separated by commas.
                        #   IPv6 addresses are not yet supported.
NCHILDREN=2             # Default number of child processes to start.
MAXCHILDREN=10          # Maximum number of child processes allowed.
MINSPARECHILDREN=2      # Unused children to always have availale.
MAXSPARECHILDREN=4      # Maximum unused children allowed to be active.
MAXCONNECTS=10000       # Child process is restarted after handling this many connections.
MAX_ERRORS=500          # Child process will restart after this many connection errors.
TIMEOUT=300             # Idle time allowed before a connection is shut off.
RESOLVE_IP=yes          # If yes, resolves IP addresses to DNS names when logging.
log=/var/log/dbmail.log       # logfile for stdout messages
error_log=/var/log/dbmail.err # logfile for stderr messages
pid_directory=/var/run        # directory for storing PID files
state_directory=/var/run      # directory for storing the daemon statefiles
library_directory=/usr/lib/dbmail # directory for locating libraries

                        # In fact, there isn't anything here by default.

PORT=24                 # Port to listen on.
BANNER=Hello I am LMTP  # Override the LMTP banner to hide your DBMail version.

PORT=110                # Port to listen on.
POP_BEFORE_SMTP=no      # If yes, allows SMTP access from the host IP connecting by POP3.
BANNER=Hello I am POP3  # Override the POP3 banner to hide your DBMail version.

PORT=143                # Port to listen on.
TIMEOUT=4000            # IMAP prefers a longer timeout than other services.
IMAP_BEFORE_SMTP=no     # If yes, allows SMTP access from the host IP connecting by IMAP.
BANNER=Hello I am IMAP  # Override the IMAP banner to hide your DBMail version.

PORT=2000               # Port to listen on.
BANNER=Hello I am SIEVE # Override the ManageSieve banner to hide your DBMail version.


SIEVE=yes               # Run Sieve scripts as messages are delivered.
SUBADDRESS=yes          # Use 'user+mailbox@domain' format to deliver to a mailbox.
SIEVE_VACATION=yes      # Turn on/off the Sieve Vacation extension.
SIEVE_NOTIFY=no         # Turn on/off the Sieve Notify extension (not supported).
SIEVE_DEBUG=no          # Turn on/off additional Sieve debugging.
AUTO_NOTIFY=no          # Use the auto_notify table to send email notifications.
AUTO_REPLY=no           # Use the auto_reply table to send away messages.
#AUTO_NOTIFY_SENDER     # Defaults to POSTMASTER from the DBMAIL section.


If you experience inexplicable problems with DBMail, please report the issue to the [1]DBMail Bug Tracker.


DBMail and its components are distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Copyrights are held variously by the authors listed below.


DBMail is a collaborative effort among the core developers listed below and the tremendous help of the testers, patchers and bug hunters listed in the AUTHORS and THANKS files found in the DBMail source distribution.

Eelco van Beek      Aaron Stone            Paul J Stevens
Roel Rozendaal      Open Source Engineer   NFG Net Facilities Group BV
Ilja Booij          Palo Alto, CA USA      http://www.nfg.nl
IC&S                http://hydricacid.com
Koningsweg 4
3582 GE Utrecht


1. DBMail Bug Tracker