use Debian::Javahelper::Java;
my @paths = scan_javadoc("/usr/share/doc/libfreemarker-doc/api/");
print "Freemarker is linked to the following APIs: \n - ",
join("\n - ", @paths), "\n";
my @packnames = find_package_for_existing_files("/bin/ls",
print "/bin/ls and /bin/bash are installed via: ",
join(", ", @packnames), "\n";
This module is used by various javahelpers to share common code.Please note this API is not stable and backwards compatibility is not guaranteed at the current time. Please contact the maintainers if you are interested in a stable API.
- scan_javadoc($path)
Scans the javadoc at $path and returns a list of javadocs it is
linked to on the system.
Currently it ignores all javadocs linked via other locations than /usr/share/doc and it also makes an assumption that the linked javadoc is in /usr/share/doc/<package>/<dir-or-symlink>. Of course, all Java Policy compliant packages provide their javadoc from there.
If /usr/share/doc/<package>/<dir-or-symlink> appears to be a symlink, then it is followed (except for default-jdk-doc).
- find_package_for_existing_files(@files)
Consults dpkg(1) to see which packages provides @files and
returns this list. All entries in @files must exists (but is
not required to be files) and should not be used on a directory.
Furthermore all entries must be given with absolute path.
- parse_manifest_fd($fd, $filename)
Parses a manifest from $fd, which must be a readable filehandle,
and returns a
$filename is only used to report parsing errors and should be something that identifies the source of $fd.
- write_manifest_fd($manifest, $fd, $filename)
Writes $manifest to the writable filehandle $fd. $manifest
must be a
$filename is only used to report errors and should be something that identifies $fd.
- write_manifest_section_fd($section, $fd, $filename)
Writes $section to the writable filehandle $fd. $section
must be a
$filename is only used to report errors and should be something that identifies $fd.
NB: Helper - Not exported.
- slurp_file($file)
Reads all lines in $file and returns them as a list.
NB: Helper - Not exported.
Niels Thykier <[email protected]>COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
Copyright 2010 by Niels ThykierThis module is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of GNU GPL 2.